(1988),81 pages, size 16x22 cm, €. 7,75
Dream-drama(fantasy) - Bilingual text « Spanish-Italian »
"Who is the Other – the Alien? Like in a dream, with rapid dramatic action, the reader finds himself immersed in the quest to unfold the drama... The scenic story represents the symbolic struggle of Humanity for the protection of the values of life, in spite of continuous suppression- violence and falsehood... For such reason and other latent significances, this dream-drama (fantasy) is an interesting piece of inventive literature..." (Francesco Migliano) "...
The ancient canvas, as much as man's desire towards his affirmation of liberty is motivated from the saving grace of Cuntor-Emme 2 ( the Alien present in every person ) to amplify the message of hope transiting through suffering (transient sorrows). Occasionally there are modes, times, culture, but they evidently result in the reality of an utopian salvation, the solidarity among the people of the Earth, among the persons who in spite of not understanding the messages of the Other the Alien (the main character of the drama) question and search earnestly the way to penetrate into the mystery of life and its evolution..."(Ada Magnelli)
"...To be an artist of one's own life, according to the principles of Sophia – Art, asks for a total overcoming of battles and splits in one's own mode of thought, at least as a final result. "...I am aware of the fact that it is possible to change behaviour only by changing the mode of thought that causes it..." (Antonio Mercurio).
The sophianartistic thought is the thought of an artist transported from the artistic camp to the camp of life.
"To feel or experience reality and to live it in a free and creative manner asks to have an evolution from thinking in a splitting manner into a unified and unifying manner..."
From "Presentation of the series", ibidem, pp. 5-7.